Tuesday, December 20, 2005

So incredibly tired.

It's been 2 nights since I had a decent sleep. I can't remember what I did Sunday night, but I went to bed rather late, and Monday had to wake up at 6 to go to the ANSES at 7 and start queueing (even though Anses opens at 7.30, when I got there there were already like 50 people ahead of me). For those of you not in the know, the ANSES seems to be some kinda of state/ government body in charge of things to do with money, I think. Something to do with pensions, the thing is they give u something called a CUIL which is a number which u have to give to employers and the like, I don't understand an of it myself... Well, afetr that work started at 9, twas a rather hectic day what with first day and everything new and what not. Got a birds eye view of the programs they use to manage accounts and calls, was introduced to Merlin, which is a sort of encyclopedia with everything u need to know about MCI in it, though I must say the indexing system is none to good. They'd do well to use google's indexing system. After all that, was out by 3.30, went home, cleaned up a bit and then met up with Giuli who was understandably rather mad at me cos I hadn't seen her since Imoved to Cordoba, had a few drinks then went back to her house and stayed for dinner, which was most welcome cos I had absolutely no intentions of cooking (my bro is in Rio IV, eating alone is nothing if not depressing). Got back to my apartment about 11pm and then met up with Pia cos she's off to BA then to her parents house and I probably won't see her for about 2 or 3 weeks. Finally got to sleep about 1am, and this morning had to wake up at 6 again to go have medical tests carried out on me, again, start queueing at 7 even though the place opened at 7.30. Had a slight problem with money, the not having any. I had barely enough to get a taxi out to the place and back, that is to say, I didn't even have 5 cents left over, whats more, I was 5 cents short on the ride back. But I made it and went straight to change some money, but because of that, couldn't have an breakfast. The teacher woman (Naty) was quite clear yesterday that she would strike down with the hand of god anyone who dares to undermine punctuality.

Today was all pretty easy going, despite being excessively tired, more working with the system, trying to find out stuff with Merlin, the only bad parts, well, maybe not bad, but i made me flush rather. We were introduced to the plans they sell, local, long distance and international plans, that kinda thing, and we had to grab one and make a song out of its characteristics, like and ad... and tomorrow we have to sing it! Also, from now on we have to be in at 8am, so its 7 and 1/2 hours everyday, supposedly cos we can't come in on the next 2 sundays cos of the holidays, but come on, they kinda knew it was coming, u'd think they'd factor it in. It's ennoying not so much cos of the having to get up earlier, but because there's been loads of things like that, that they tell us on the spur of the moment, like this morning when naty went haywire over us being late again... we were all waiting downstairs waiting for someone to come tell us we could go in, as has been the norm till now, but we were supposed to "sign in" and be allready at the pc's when she arrived, how in heaven's name are we supposed to know that if they don't tell us!

One of the funny things, at least for me, is that naty has a rather latin accent, and just about everybody else whose been in to talk to us aswell, some u wonder how the hell they got in to the company! I've probably got the best english there, except for one person who has an american accent which they obviously prefer. Going back to the people who came in to talk to us, one was in charge of the monitoring department, her motto: we're here to help you get better... yea right, its a mix Nazi concentration camp with american brain washing technics, except everyone has to smile and be all yuppee, life is great we love you. Some guy came in to talk about quality... we're supposed to be upbeat, personal, formal, build up a rapport with the customer, solve their problems, try and sell them new packages/features/plans and all in 3 min... and we can't hang up on them, and if we forget one of the steps, theres someone with a whip behind you to make sure u know it! Well, not literally but they have this system of points where by they tick the steps you complete and the ones u don't and then start wittling at you're paycheck depending on how u did. They tried to convince us that the points system has been abolished and now they use.. can't remember the exact words but it sounded a lot like a politicians speech, a lot of spinning but in the end, the same thing. Its easy to see theres a lot of bull shit going around.

That being said, I do like a challenge, and the people are agreeable enough, Naty is very sound, stopping for ciggy breaks every now and then, and everybody is ready to give u a hand if you need it. I suppose its just that I find it really hard to stomach american consumerism...

Ta ta for now, the migster

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